Courses at GCU London
- Big Data Technologies (16 Months)
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- Computer Science
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- Computer Science (16 Months)
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- Computer Science (Professional Practice)
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- Computer Science (Professional Practice) (2 Years)
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- Environmental Management (Waste, Energy, Water, Oil and Gas)
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- Environmental Management (Waste, Energy, Water, Oil and Gas) (16 Months)
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- Fashion and Lifestyle Marketing
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- Fashion and Lifestyle Marketing (16 Moinths)
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- Fashion and Lifestyle Marketing (2 Years)
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- Financial Technology
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- Global MBA (with Additional Pathways in Public Health or Insurance)
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- Global MBA (with Additional Pathways in Public Health or Insurance) (16 Months)
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- Insurance and Sustainable Risk Management
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- Insurance and Sustainable Risk Management (16 Months)
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- International Banking and Finance
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- International Banking and Finance (16 Months)
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- International Construction Project Management
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- International Construction Project Management (18 Months)
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- International Management and Business Development
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- International Management and Business Development (16 Months)
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- International Management and Business Development (Professional Practice)
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- International Management and Business Development (Professional Practice) (2 Years)
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- International Marketing
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- International Marketing (16 Months)
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- International Marketing (Professional Practice)
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- International Marketing (Professional Practice) (2 Years)
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- Luxury Marketing
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- Luxury Marketing (with Professional Practice)
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- MBA (Luxury Brand Management)
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- MBA (Luxury Brand Management) (1 Year)
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- MBA (with additional pathways in Public Health or Insurance)
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- MBA (with additional pathways in Public Health or Insurance) (16 Months)
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- Public Health
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- Public Health (16 Months)
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- Quantity Surveying
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- Sustainable Fashion Business
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- Business Administration
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" أعجبت حقا بالاجواء المهنية. اکتساب المعرفة عن الجامعات البريطانية ساعدتني في العثور على الوجهة المثالية. بريا سينغ" .
الهندسة المدنية في جامعة مانشستر
International Business Economics at City University